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    ASTRO 96プラズマ洗浄機概要

    ·Our robust substrate loader and unloader offers to handle the most sensitive substrates with jam free solutions.

    ·Our Innovative ASTRO 96 is a strip level plasma equipment with minimum substrates transportation.

    ·ASTRO 96 chamber together with our excellent microwave source can accomodate wide leadframes of about 108mm width with good uinformity.

    ·Microwave plasma process, which doesnot cause any surface erosion or redeposition.

    ·Chemical cleaning for sensitive devices (No sputtering).

    ·High throughput Multi Strip processing.Includes a fully automatic strip & magazine handling system.

    ·Especially useful for wide strips which are difficult to process in Magazines.

    ·Easy & fast conversion bet. Different strips formats. No special tools required.

    ·Strip damage is prevented by use of force sensors.

    ASTRO 96プラズマ洗浄機特長

    Cleaning – Removes contaminants and residue from material surfaces.

    Bonding – Facilitates the direct bonding of materials.


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