Blue M 146 SeriesClean Room Mechanical Convection Oven
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    Blue M 146 Series Clean Room Mechanical Convection Oven概要

    The Blue M Clean Room Mechanical Convection Oven is designed for a number of laboratory and industrial oven applications, including curing polyamide coatings, moisture drying, baking photo-resist coating and various pharmaceutical processes. 

    Blue M 146 Series Clean Room Mechanical Convection Oven

    High quality design and simple operation

    Interior welded vapor tight

    Welded and sealed liner for an impervious barrier between the process chamber and the insulation material

    Horizontal air flow assures uniform thermal performance under all loading conditions

    Differential Air Pressure Switches alert you if loss of pressure or airflow is detected

    Multiple model options for custom test needs

    Quick access for simple inner chamber cleaning

    Easy to use controller

    Blue M 146 Series Clean Room Mechanical Convection Oven特長

    Heavy gauge steel exterior and stainless steel interior

    All exterior panels are at least 16 gauge

    Fiberglass insulation - 4 full inches minimizes heat loss

    Baked-on powder coated white enamel finish for long-lasting corrosion protection

    Blue M silicone door seal design for positive sealing of door

    Removable one-piece stainless steel interior features reinforced 304 stainless steel

    All welded and sealed construction assures continuously low particle counts

    Chamber vent port for exhausting of process by-products

    Suitable for inert gas purge to eliminate moisture and vent out contaminants. Adjustable inert gas 

    glow meter

    Safety air flow switch

    Exclusive Blue M Re-circulating HEPA Filtered Air Delivery System

    -Easily removable HEPA filter

    -All re-circulated air is continuously re-filtered; no use of cleanroom air

    -Hermetically sealed from the environment to eliminate risk of infilration contamination

    Blue M 146 Series Clean Room Mechanical Convection Oven性能

    NFPA 86 Class B oven

    Temperature range: 15°C above ambient to 250°C (482°F)

    Uniformity: +/-2% of setpoint

    Control Accuracy: +0.5°C

    Resolution: +0.1°C

    Performance data (typical): Run-up to 250°C 60 minutes or less


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